Not Feeling Inspired?

All of us face a period where creativity is not flowing. Bill Anton says the “fix” is straightforward, he goes to work. He does not wait for inspiration. You may often go back to your studio to see something you thought was the best the night before, and then the next day, you don’t know what you were thinking! Those times make it challenging to feel inspired and can easily discourage you as an artist. Bill has found that, even if he did not feel like painting or was uninspired, the physical act of getting up out of his chair, mixing colors, and getting in there would make inspiration flow! Inspiration, he believes, truly comes when you begin working again.

An artist gets better by brush mileage. The more you paint and the more you work, the more confident you will be
— Bill anton

Many artists get their best work done when they don’t “feel” like painting. Don’t focus on the feeling as much as the physical act of doing it. 99% of inspiration is persistence. Get up, start working, and you will get into a rhythm where the excitement will come.

Sometimes, working isn’t always the physical act of painting. It can be sitting and observing something you created the night before. A great deal of analyzing and studying can also come into play. Reading or studying a great art book can be part of the growth process. It is all in work when inspiration comes. If you wait until you “ feel” like working, you won’t get much done. Even if it’s hard to start, you will notice that you will feel some inspiration and excitement once you move the brush and paint. An artist gets better by brush mileage. The more you paint, and the more you work, the more confident you will be. Get going, and get after it!

To learn more from Tucson Art Academy, check out our mentoring courses, video downloads, free webinars, and self- study’s.

To listen more on the topic of creativity and inspiration, listen to Bill and Gabor on the Paint & Clay Podcast below.

You can find more of Bill Anton’s work through his website