A Quick Lesson on Hues

Skip Whitcomb had a question a while back on “Hue” colors. In Skip’s own words, Hues are a substitute for a more expensive color.  Hues are mixed to appear to be a specific color straight from the tube.  

Take this example: Viridian Hue is meant to mimic true Viridian (an expensive color), it is actually Pthalo Green, a less expensive pigment. Cerulean Hue is actually Pthalo Blue. We are now seeing many paint manufacturers coming out with Cadmium Substitutes (hues). These are a combination of two or more pigments supposedly mimicking the properties of true Cadmiums. In Skip’s opinion, they do not handle or mix the same.  Everyone can make their own decision whether to go with substitutes or stay with pure pigments.  Skip enjoys the power of Pthalo Green (Viridian Hue) for many things. Other times, he appreciates the gentleness of true Viridian. Skip will personally not use a substitute for any of his Cadmiums.

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